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Order Cancellation

You can cancel your purchase by phone or by email until our operators set up with you a delivery of your order. Written cancellations must include an Order Confirmation Number. This number is listed on the automated reply that is sent to your email address following a successful processing of your order. 

Order Cancellation by a Buyer

In harmony with the Law No. 367/2000 dated September 14, 2000, the purchaser has the right to withdraw from a contract within 14 days from taking possession of the goods providing the goods were ordered via a long-distance means of communication (Internet, Email, Phone). Returned goods must be in perfect condition and fully functional, in original packaging that have not been wastefully opened. The purchaser is obligated to inform the seller in advance and must include the invoice number through which the goods were purchased. Contacts for returns of goods and communication are listed at the conclusion of Terms and Conditions.

In case returned goods were delivered as a parcel, corresponding financial means are returned exclusively via noncash money transfers.

In harmony with the provision of Civil Code §53 paragraph 10, we issue a refund within30 days at the latest from the date the rightful claim was filed. It is our right to deduct expenses associated with the return of goods from the purchasing amount.

Order Cancellation by a Seller

The seller reserves the right to cancel an order or its part in these circumstances:

The product is discontinued or out of supply or a supplier's price has significantly changed. In case this situation occurs, the seller will immediately contact the purchaser for the purpose of agreeing on further action. In case the purchaser has paid a portion or a full amount of the purchasing price, the amount will be transferred back to his account.

Contract for Sale of Goods Conflict

The seller answers to the purchaser that the item being sold at the time of take over by the purchaser is in harmony with the purchasing agreement, particulary that it is without defects.

In harmony with the contract for sale of goods is further understood that the item has quality and usage properties required by the contract, described by the seller, the manufacturer or his agent, or based on their advertising expected.

In case the item at the time of take over by the purchaser is not in harmony with the contract, the purchaser has the right to request that the seller free of charge and without unneeded delays takes necessary steps to bring about a state corresponding to the contract, and this to be done according to the purchaser's request either by exchanging the item or repairing it.

Final Provisions

Liability for defective items under the consumer guarantees rule voids if the claim is not filed during the stated period of time.

This guarantees rule is in effect starting April 1, 2010. Subject to changes in the consumer guarantees and commercial rules.
